Planar 5cm f4.5 (Paul Rudolph original Design)

Lens Data

Lens Unit

Lens Photo


Start sales 1927
Composition 4groups 6lenses

第一は1889年アルバン.G.クラークが、数学者ガウスの2群2枚の望遠鏡対物レンズを前後対称に配置した4群4枚の、まさに「ダブルなガウス型レンズ」。 第二は1895-6年にツアイスのルドルフ博士が1-2-2-1の完全対称型4群6枚で設計した「プラナー」。 そして第三が1920年にテイラー・ホブソンのH.W.リーが1-2-2-1を前後非対称として設計し、現代につながる「オピック」です。
その後のXenon、Biotar、Speed Panchroなどは、大きな流れからすれば、単にオピックの派生と言えるでしょう。

Starting to observe the expression of 3 origins of 'Modified Double Gauss design' which is the mainstream of the Fast Normal Lenses.
1stly, I made the new page of Original Planar 5cm f4.5 below.

Lens Impression

1895-6年、ツァイスのパウル・ルドルフ博士は、その7年前にアルバン.G.クラークが設計した「4群4枚のダブル・ガウス型」のレンズ構成を発展させ、「プラナー」を開発した。このオリジナル・プラナーの大きな特徴は、@前後完全対称による基本収差の自動補正、A同じ屈折率で分散が異なるガラスによる厚い張り合わせレンズ(2、3群) の2つであり、4群6枚という現在まで主流のレンズデザインを完成させたものである。



In 1895-6, Dr.Paul Rudolph of Zeiss invented 'Planar' design after developing the 1st 'Double Gauss' design with 4 groups 4 lenses invented 7 years before by Alvan G Clark in USA. The distinctive characteristic of the Original Planar by Rudolph is 1/Automatically corrected abberation by perfectly symmetrical design, 2/Buried surface, two glass which have same refractive index and different dispersion index are bonded into thick concave unit for 2nd and 3rd groups.
This 4 groups 6 lenses composion of Rudolph's Planar became the origin of the mainstream of Normal lens.

.The lens design of Planar became the 2nd origin of 'Double Gauss' design which became the standard of fast normal angle lenses. However almost 99.9% of procuction have been in the slightly different concept of 'Non Symmetrical Double Gauss' desing which was invented by H W Lee of Taylor,Taylor and Hobson in 1920. The symmetrical Double Gauss lenses of original Planar is actually 'Endangered Species'.

Above Planar 5cmf4.5 lens is made with the original Rudolph's symmetrical design and focal distance of 5cm is very useful.
The description is rather soft and remains various abberations but they are never uncomfortable.

 Photos with Original Planar 5cm (NEX-7)

Rather strong flare appears on pictures as you can see in example photos. The glasses of this lens is almost clear, so I think the softness is by the original abberation. Astigmatism is not big to observe the surrounding area of pictures. To judge the shape of Bokeh, I estimate the flare and softness of the description comes from 'Coma Abberation' dominantly.